1 Creating Matrixes in Matlab

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1.1 Matlab Define Row and Column Vectors (Matrix)

% A column vector 4 by 1, with three numbers you fill in by yourself
colVec = [5;2;3;10]

colVec = 4x1    

% Another column vector with 4 random numbers
colVecRand = rand(4,1)

colVecRand = 4x1    

% A row vector 1 by 4
rowVec = [3,2,4,5]

rowVec = 1x4    
     3     2     4     5

% A row vector 1 by 4 with random number
rowVecRand = rand(1,4)

rowVecRand = 1x4    
    0.5005    0.4711    0.0596    0.6820

1.2 Matlab Define a Matrix

% A 2 by 3 matrix by hand
matA = [1,2,1;

matA = 2x3    
     1     2     1
     3     4    10

% Another 2 by 3 matrix, now with random numbers
matRand = rand(2,3)

matRand = 2x3    
    0.0424    0.5216    0.8181
    0.0714    0.0967    0.8175

% Another 2 by 3 matrix, now with random integers between 1 and 10
% rand draws between 0 and 1, ceil converts 0.1 to 1, 1.1 to 2, etc
matRand = ceil(rand(2,3)*10)

matRand = 2x3    
     8     7    10
     2     6     7

1.3 Matlab Define a Square Matrix

% A 4 by 4 square matrix
matSquare = rand(4)

matSquare = 4x4    
    0.8003    0.0835    0.8314    0.5269
    0.4538    0.1332    0.8034    0.4168
    0.4324    0.1734    0.0605    0.6569
    0.8253    0.3909    0.3993    0.6280

% or can define 4 by 4
matSquare = rand(4, 4)

matSquare = 4x4    
    0.2920    0.1672    0.4897    0.0527
    0.4317    0.1062    0.3395    0.7379
    0.0155    0.3724    0.9516    0.2691
    0.9841    0.1981    0.9203    0.4228

% or can define 4 by 4, between 1 and 5 each number
matSquare = ceil(rand(4, 4)*5)

matSquare = 4x4    
     3     2     4     5
     5     4     4     1
     3     4     1     1
     5     3     1     3

1.4 Identity Matrix

If a matrix \(A\) is square matrix with the same number of rows and columns, and all diagonal elements are \(1\) and non-diagonal elements are \(0\), then \(A\) is an identity matrix:

  • \(A_{i,j}\) are the value in the ith row and jth column of the matrix \(A\)

  • \(A\) is an identity matrix, when: \(A_{i,j} =0\;\textrm{if}\;i\not= j\), \(A_{i,j} =1\;\textrm{if}\;i=j\)

% 4 by 4 identity matrix
identity4by4 = eye(4)

identity4by4 = 4x4    
     1     0     0     0
     0     1     0     0
     0     0     1     0
     0     0     0     1

When a matrix is muplieid by the identity matrix, you get the same matrix back, for example, multiplying random integer 4 by 4 matrix by the 4 by 4 identity matrix:


matSquare = 4x4    
     3     2     4     5
     5     4     4     1
     3     4     1     1
     5     3     1     3

matSquareTimesIdentity = matSquare*identity4by4

matSquareTimesIdentity = 4x4    
     3     2     4     5
     5     4     4     1
     3     4     1     1
     5     3     1     3

When a row vector is muplieid by the identity matrix, you get the same vector back, for example, multiplying random integer 1 by 4 row vector by the 4 by 4 identity matrix:


rowVec = 1x4    
     3     2     4     5

rowVecTimesIdentity = rowVec*identity4by4

rowVecTimesIdentity = 1x4    
     3     2     4     5

When an identity matrix is multiplied by a column vector, you get the same vector back, for example, multiplying 4 by 4 identity matrix by random integer 4 by 1 column vector by the :


colVec = 4x1    

colVecTimesIdentity = identity4by4*colVec

colVecTimesIdentity = 4x1    

1.5 Lower-Triangular Matrix and Upper-Triangular Matrix

A lower triangular matrix is a square matrix where:

  • Square matrix\(A\) is a lower triangular matrix, when: \(A_{i,j} =0\;\textrm{if}\;i<j\)

  • Square matrix\(A\) is a upper triangular matrix, when: \(A_{i,j} =0\;\textrm{if}\;i>j\)

% lower triangular matrix of matA 
lowerTriangular = tril(matSquare)

lowerTriangular = 4x4    
     3     0     0     0
     5     4     0     0
     3     4     1     0
     5     3     1     3

% upper triangular matrix of matA 
upperTriangular = triu(matSquare)

upperTriangular = 4x4    
     3     2     4     5
     0     4     4     1
     0     0     1     1
     0     0     0     3

1.6 Three Dimensions Matrix (Tensor)

% 3 by 3 by 2, storing multiple matrixes together in tenA
tenA = zeros(3,3,2);
tenA(:,:,1) = rand(3,3);
tenA(:,:,2) = rand(3,3);

(:,:,1) =

    0.8819    0.3689    0.1564
    0.6692    0.4607    0.8555
    0.1904    0.9816    0.6448

(:,:,2) =

    0.3763    0.4820    0.2262
    0.1909    0.1206    0.3846
    0.4283    0.5895    0.5830

% Creating four 2 by 3 matrixes
matRand = rand(2,3,4)

matRand = 
matRand(:,:,1) =

    0.2518    0.6171    0.8244
    0.2904    0.2653    0.9827

matRand(:,:,2) =

    0.7302    0.5841    0.9063
    0.3439    0.1078    0.8797

matRand(:,:,3) =

    0.8178    0.5944    0.4253
    0.2607    0.0225    0.3127

matRand(:,:,4) =

    0.1615    0.4229    0.5985
    0.1788    0.0942    0.4709


(:,:,1) =

    0.2518    0.6171    0.8244
    0.2904    0.2653    0.9827

(:,:,2) =

    0.7302    0.5841    0.9063
    0.3439    0.1078    0.8797

(:,:,3) =

    0.8178    0.5944    0.4253
    0.2607    0.0225    0.3127

(:,:,4) =

    0.1615    0.4229    0.5985
    0.1788    0.0942    0.4709